Category: Tackling records in Spring Boot

Introducing the canonical and compact constructors for records 2 – Record and record patternIntroducing the canonical and compact constructors for records 2 – Record and record pattern

Reassigning components Via an explicit canonical/compact constructor we can reassign components. For instance, when we create a MelonRecord we provide its type (for instance, Cantaloupe) and its weight in grams

Adding more artifacts in a record Certification Exams of Java Getting a list from a stream Java Exams Tackling guarded record patterns Tackling records in Spring Boot Understanding records serialization

Simplifying expressions via record patterns – Record and record patternSimplifying expressions via record patterns – Record and record pattern

97. Simplifying expressions via record patterns Java records can help us a lot to simplify snippets of code meant to handle/evaluate different expressions (mathematical, statistical, string-based, Abstract Syntax Tree (AST),

Getting a list from a stream Java Exams Tackling records in Spring Boot Understanding records serialization

Introducing parallel computations with arrays – Arrays, collections and data structuresIntroducing parallel computations with arrays – Arrays, collections and data structures

101. Introducing parallel computations with arrays There was a time when CPUs were capable to perform operations on data only in the traditional mode known as SISD (Single Instruction, Single

Adding more artifacts in a record Certification Exams of Java Java Exams Tackling guarded record patterns Tackling records in Spring Boot

Covering Vector API structure and terminology 2 – Arrays, collections and data structuresCovering Vector API structure and terminology 2 – Arrays, collections and data structures

The Vector lanes A Vector<E> is like a fixed-sized Java array made of lanes. The lane count is returned by the length() method and is called VLENGTH. The lane count

Adding more artifacts in a record Certification Exams of Java Java Exams Tackling records in Spring Boot Understanding records serialization

Covering Vector API structure and terminology – Arrays, collections and data structuresCovering Vector API structure and terminology – Arrays, collections and data structures

102. Covering Vector API structure and terminology The Vector API is mapped by the jdk.incubator.vector module (and a package with the same name). A jdk.incubator.vector.Vector starts from a generic abstract

Certification Exams of Java Getting a list from a stream Java Exams Tackling guarded record patterns Tackling records in Spring Boot